F ord EcoSport price starts at Rs.8.04 lakh (Ex-Showroom, Delhi) and therefore the top end variant Ford EcoSport Sports Diesel is priced at Rs. 11.67 lakh (Ex-Showroom, Delhi). The new EcoSport are often had with either a 1.0-litre petrol, 1.5-litre petrol, or a 1.5-litre diesel . The EcoBoost 1.0-litre engine is back within the lineup and makes 125PS and 170Nm. The larger three-cylinder petrol engine makes 123PS and 150Nm, whereas the four-cylinder diesel is sweet for 100PS and 205Nm. Both engines are paired with a 5-speed manual transmission. Additionally, the petrol version are often had with a 6-speed converter automatic. ARAI-certified mileage stands at 16.98kmpl (petrol-MT), 14.77kmpl (petrol-AT) and 22.89kmpl (diesel-MT) respectively. In our trial of the 1.5-litre petrol automatic we managed 17.12kmpl on the highway and just 7.04kmpl within the city. The manual was considerably more efficient and returned 17.59kmpl and 12.74kmpl for highway and city tests respectiv...
Showing posts from May, 2020